Kick bad? Hell NO!!
Awesome song, even though you have no intro yet, it already started of just fine for me. I love ambient starts and breakdowns!
The song itself progresses real nice, altough I miss the bells in the breakdown. In my oppinion every hardstyle song needs atleast an few bells, they're very atractive to hear, and give hardstyle some sort of soothing athmosphere.
The Kick is awesome! No problems to notice, it's an bit hardcore'ish though, could use some more boom instead of the pitches work. If I could adjust it I would turn it slightly down NOT TOO MUCH! Else it wouldn't be an HS kick anymore. ;)
The Leads are an bit plain, I wish I could hear some crispy saws, or some earpiercing lead. Although these are fine though. However I would love to see it adjusted in the final version to give it an bit more boost.
About the beats, Loved the fact you actually adjusted the kick to let it flow with the melody, most people don't do that, or don't know how to let it sound right.
About the snare, it got an bit drowned out by the kick because you streamed it on the same tempo. I still could hear it, but it could've used and bit more volume.
The godly bass is straight from paradise! You adjusted it right with the kick and melody, it whas an eargasm so nice!
Would love to hear the final track with intro and outro, and the pointers I gave ofcourse. ;)
Awesome song, 9/10 5/5 For still being an demo.