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Recent Movie Reviews

10 Movie Reviews

Some improvements could've been used...

Well first of all, the animating went well but, the drawing could've been much better.
I mean everyone can draw these kind of people, even with paint. But yeah, nonetheless I laughed about this flash. Only 1 more typical pointer here.. the voice acting if you're ever going to make another flash with a female voice then, DON'T do it with that hellium voiced effect. It makes the quality of the voice only worse, and it's in some cases hardly understandable. Those where the flaws I've noticed, overall it was a good and enoyable flash.
But I only got 1 thing left to say, and that is...

O o
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*lol xD*
5/5 9/10


Just as epic as the rest!

First of all, sorry for the late review! :\
I've been sick for an week now, finally I am getting better.

The movie itself was just amazingly done, just like all others. The story line of this movie is well thought, and greatly produced in the end product! The music was tremendously well used, it all was really epic to see the king standing for the battle between good and evil. And Finally you've hired voice actors this time! Big props for that, it is way better than without them. The voice actor(s) did well, only at some points I think he did it too 'drastic' because, in some ways the sound was an bit too rushed, otherwise that it was good. I also loved the vocal sound of that demon, and the black ghost, wich I've also seen in LOT II, it sure did sound like some kind of demon spawn from hell!
Oh.. man, you've suprised me with this awesome flash. You've also satisfied me more than enough with it.

Your animation style has improved very rapidly, you could be proud of yourself!
Also I loved the camera styles, and the special effects. This was me when it happened -> :O

- Where's the elf? The one on LOT II? He could've helped tarantos right?

That's the only bad point about it though.
And please let Tarantos live!! He can't be dead! :O

Oh no! What's that! It's an fat ass 5/5 & 10/10!!!
You've deserved it! ;)

- Unrealdark (DJ-PHX)

mariomaster123 responds:

Lol, thatnks man! You and your music rocks!
I completely reconfigured the plot of Tarantos since the last 1. The first still holds true, but the last one must be changed.

Acetium is gone :C
He was a pointless and useless. So, I let him go.

As it is, I am redoing the second one and possibly doing a 1.5 one

One again thanks for your totally rad music man! Start going on Newgrounds more!!!! >:C

Recent Game Reviews

4 Game Reviews

Good Tutorial

I've tried it, and attempted to copy the leads and bass wich did well, only my problem was that you kept switching that black square under the close button in the piano roll, I did managed to copy them no problem though, but it could be an problem for the newbies. You could better tell them to put the square to the most far up side or down (depends were you were ofcourse.)
The other problem is your detuned arp, you said it was an default FL studio arp only detuned, well I couldn't find it... :P So I used Z3ta+ for it (also an problem for the beginners.)
And at the last part of the tutorial, I tottaly lost it, (Vub1_BASS_EfEm_C2) I had that one already from the VEC samples, but at that part in the tutorial, I didn't understand it anymore. (mayby because I am from Holland... I don't know) Because when I did the same like you, the music totally did sound horrible. those were too long basses it just F***ed it all up for me.

The good sides of it:
-You've made an downloadable sample pack!!! I've never seen anyone doing that!
Big plus for that! ;D It's great for the beginners who don't have VEC samples.
-The tutorial itself was most self-explanatory, but you've also putted information in on how and to do it.
-You've added sound fragments on how it should hear, really great for those who did misunderstand anything.
-Nice overall looking tutorial, everything was to be seen, not just down-sized images, no it was all full screen. ( wich actually was realy easy to follow everything, I just needed to zoom-in sometimes though. :))

Well it may sound that there are more down-sizes, but that's not true!
It's an well divined tutorial, wich is really great to use for beginners!
I just couldn't think about more up, but there were certainly many more.

Hope you understand my review, and doesn't gets to much pissed of by it. :P

Good luck on further progress, and ofcourse with your music also, I love it! ;)

Greets: DJ-PHX


Dj-Brand0 responds:

Well, I was going to mention that you would need to change a small setting in the basses sound properties so that it loops when it's down on a key. The Bass in the sample pack has the setting saved into it. I'll pm you showing you what I mean through a screen shot. I guess I should have mentioned it >.< Well anyway that'll help you as I tell you. I'll re upload it soon with the new info and more detailed explanations.

And no I'm not pissed by your review. It gives me a proper understanding of what people think and if there's anything needing to be fixed. The detuned saw was in the Plugin Presets > Generators > Sytrus > Synth String > Detuned Saw.
Hope that helps. Yea also I could have made the overall size of the flash a bit bigger.

Owww that thing. The black square I didn't understand you but now I do. It just zooms in and out of the piano roll. But I don't really use it. I use the hotkey Ctrl+Scroll up/down.

Thanks for the review Unrealdark, appreciate it :D

-Cheers Brando

I'll add the thing about the bass in the description.

All I can say is WOW! :)

short notice, just wanted to say you did a good job. ;) so here's the 10/10 5/5 :)
really nice game, hopefully it will not attract people robbing a bank though, specially those kids like 12 and lower. xD

GravityChaser responds:

Thank you for the comment, glad you liked it :)

Recent Audio Reviews

102 Audio Reviews

Haha, sweet.

Sounds like your PC couldn't handle the RAM processing, haha.
Gotta repost it back up without the spikes, sounding like an old record playing.

Other than that, true quality! Although the rythm you're posting is alright. It just gets an bit repitive overtime. Spice that up in the full version. On the other side, I really liked your intro and outro in this track. Mixing is flawless to my oppinion, also the side-chained part. Nice job!

5/5 9/10

DJ-Frosted responds:

theres no lag spikes man XD thats your compy and yeah i need to add some fills! lol yeah that kick to bass is sick right? XD

Really nice!

It has this oldskool hardcore/gabberish feeling.
Class taste mate, I like it.

5/5 10/10


Seriously, totally beast!
Other than overcompression was heard, this is perfect.
Pure class project, you can be proud!

I've only heared a few dubstep tracks lately since I am not really that much into them. But This was class taste for my feeling. I enjoyed it man, thanks!

5/5 10/10

Interested in creating Hardstyle lately, with some dance tracks. Also I am in for some more classical stuff like orchestra. Be sure to check some out! ;)

Age 31, Male

The Netherlands

Joined on 7/20/08

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