
69 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 102 Reviews

Smooth and clean

Wow kaz, you did a real nice job on this one, starts of really relaxing and smooth.
Nice clubby kick, and I wow'ed at that nice strong bass!
Transitions were good, awesome mixing, and at last the instruments were so deeply, and perfect! But ofcourse we all could use alitle piano, atleast I am in love with piano pieces. I think the piano would work good in the intro, or at a breakdown straight to a mad build-up. And I can't wait for the vocals to come in, That'll be godly, so I'll be checking your page in this week allot!! My favorite twist on this song were the pads, they do encourage the song to go on for eternity. Also the leads were fine in my oppinion. I just can't think for anny downsizes on this song, atleast for me it's already 99% close to perfection, only the piano and vocals do need to come in. :3
5/5 10/10.

-Ian (DJ-PHX)

Kazmo responds:

I'm really glad you like it!

You left so many good points, thanks! :]

The more I think about it, I HAVE to add a piano ahahah.

I can't wait for Kerrie to finish the vocals either, she just got a new mic and pop filter, so I look forward to the results!!! <3

Yes, please stay tuned!

Thanks again for the support and lovely review!! :D

I felt the energy!

Wow this song is so fast spaced, really works well!! Sounds really professional in the use of effects, and changes in leads. Also the mixing is really good, Morgan King and EspacX did taught you it well! This song released my inner burning energy for sure! Leads, well used I love those pitched saws. strong and full off punch kick.
Nice cracky bass. All instruments were set at it's best, they got a nice flow.
Overall: Well builded song!
5/5 10/10!
- Ian (DJ-PHX)

JacksonAlsop responds:

Thanks a lot man.

Pumping for sure!

First of by the simple low kicks, I thought oh no not again... like all the others who over-do the intro with low kicks and hi-hats. But I was suprised it didn't took that long, and the boosting bass with the kick came in! Really nice! Only I wouldn't think that lead would fit in nice for hardstyle, you'd better use an nasty saw lead wich is high pitched. Overall this song rocks my butt of by that sweet kick+bass in the song. So I am wondering if you could send me those (kick+bass) samples to me?
Or tell me where you got them, because they are really sweet!
My voting score is a definite 5/5.
9/10 for the lead, it didn't suited my audio standards.
- Ian (DJ-PHX)

DjSc00p responds:

haha thanks. Yeah personally, i really hate the long boring intros so most music i make doesnt have a long intro xD. Yeah the lead was just sort of an experiment and i wanted a unique lead to make the song stand out, but i guess it didnt work out lol. ill try changing the lead to a bit more saw-like lead or something that fits it a bit better. thanks for the 9/10 and 5/5 :D

Nice progressive house

Well to start of this song got an really soothing touch, and keeps you in an relaxed state. And well, to be honest I haven't listnened to house either, and I don't know much about it. But I think you did well at this track.
The song got an hard time to build up to something, I've noticed though, from 0.50 till 1.50 (or somewere in that direction) the song is keeping stuck. It's like it wants to be build higher up but just doesn't got the power to make that wish come true.
Quite shamefull though, could be messed more with it. Around 2.00 the song got into an break, nice an calm really good. After that we go to the main melody again, was around like 3.30. And it ended quite nice with the looping of the beat, and an short synth. I loved the fact that you ended it with the wind blowing, and the melodies + beat to fade out in another frequency. I'd like to know how you did that! :) Not perse in this review, could be on msn or something like that.
For now you get my 9/10 for the build up problem, and the fact that it was slightly repitive, but you will get my 5/5 always. Try to pull more on this song, it could be an nice progressive house track.

-Greets, Ian

Dj-Brand0 responds:

Well, yeah. This song doesn't have much depth. It needs more fx and more effort. I'm glad you liked the song :D The effects I use are from VEC 2 and Vengeance FX, if you wanted to know. Thanks for the rate and review xD Yeah I'll try to fix this up.. yup :D
Have a good christmas bro.

-Cheers Brando


Oh crap... They all were beautifull and could be winners!!
And seriously I mean that!

1sth song: Awesome hardstyle beginning with those awesome high pitched saws!!
Lovely, makes me want to go bad and dance to that cool beat. However it sure was an damn short preview, I wanted to hear more! So my opinion is to finish that sweet ass track first! :3

2dn song: Good use of piano, and he ambient vocals in the background, some kind of an string choir. Good leads. Mastering and altering could've been used for the final product, as you are horrible correct to say that in the 'author comments'! (Lead and piano are too much faded from eachother.)

3rd song: 'I'm Sorry by Yelltek' Yeah well... that one was so sick. You couldn've done better mate. ;) (No Critism!! :O)

4th song: I'm not the guy who likes RNB that much though, but this one made in an soft trance begin, and letting it build up to some kind of hardstyle is REALLY awesome!! ( yeah the build up to hardstyle wasn't hearable in here, this one was shortened to the one you gave me..) But... I've got some tips for that build up: Use an heavier kick/bass maybe like the one insipired by Yelltek.. however I think you could get an way more 'blast load' as that! :P (NOT to mention to change the kick and bass of that other song aswell!)
You might want to ask some people for an hardstyle kick + bass. Would work perfect.

- My last meaning, for that song; Those claps were fairly weak for me, might want to use an VEC clap? One that's more BAM insteads of paf.. (My opinion only I don't want to diss you over it or something!!)

For the rest you did and awesome work, I couldn't see any more improvements/critism for now.

Tremendously effort, awesome work, I am proud!

-greets: Ian, (unrealdark, DJ-PHX)

PSS: I am ROFLING my ass of by that main summary of teck071 ;P

Dj-Brand0 responds:

Hey Ian.
I'll try to respond to everyone you said in that review.
1. Those high pitch saws at the end of the intro were a mistake, the filter was just a bit too max and didn't muffle the lead. I will probably end up finishing that tune second, from the 3rd one.

2. Oh yeah, damn; you're right. even though the piano wasn't supposed to be the main aspect it's too hidden.

3. Yeah that song, "I'm sorry" and all his others are really good. He is great at mastering. His songs sound so perfect. Umm.. yeah. I don't really understand what you said about me doing better, because well I do do my best I just didn't show the best bit here in the preview. I'll talk to you later about that one ;D

4. Yeah the kick and bass could need a change and I'll also play around with the leads in the background of the vocals. I have lots of hardstyle basses and I probably have lots of basses I can use for nustyle I just haven't found them yet. I need to have a good look through all my shit. Also about the claps, I did use a VEC clap and I always use VEC percussion. It's just sometimes I don't use the right sounds, but hey thanks for telling me :D

Thanks heaps for the review.

-Cheers Brando

PS: Teck071, you beastly kiwi feeler, ahahaah nah! :P

Verry Nice, and good progression

I love the easy start with the lead going on with the drum loop, it's an really nice intro start. After the intro we go into the 'Fresh' trance world, 'All Aboard!!' haha, no I love that synth, and the Vocals? I think I've heared something about 'heartbeat'? Anyways, good relaxed also fresh sounded drum beat, beneath the beat. Good composed, nice progressive trance song mate, I got nothing to complain about! You did an awesome job! I don't see why you should remake/mix it, it's fine this way for me.

Uber done job, 5/5 10/10. ;)
Keep em coming, and thanks for Pming me about it, I would forgot to check it out later anyways, I am so retarded.. XD

maer808 responds:

thx for the review!

Use more mixing elements

I think the song itself it good made, only I miss the bass boost for the kick, and if that isn't enough try to master it with Fast Dist. Good use of instruments, they worked well with the rest, it was well variated. Instead you could also have used Samples for example the popular VEC (vengeance) samples, they work really good.
I liked the bells at the end the most, they were nicely ballanced. Mixing was fine, only could've used some more 'sparkle' if you know what I mean.
8/10 5/5

757irish responds:

ill work on it :) thnx dude

Indeed fresh!

Realy relaxing tune, tripps me around. ;P
Good drum loops, those synths fitted nicely in with the rest. Verry good progressive and fresh sound, I love it! ;D
Also just like TheTelenovaProject said: 'I was honestly expecting it to break out in DnB! ' Well, same here!!! Really this could be an great DNB like song in the beginning, but I also like this one though, it's verry nice completed.
Relaxed fresh type of music, makes me want to fall asleep and dream.

5/5 9/10 ;)

Good luck on further progress mate! Best wishes!

maer808 responds:

thanks I'm gonna try a dnb version of this song

Really cool and clean!

Lovely calm start with the violins! And damn very nice use of FX!! :O
Nice pounding kicks with reeverb, they streamed nice in with the leads, just an awesome job!

-0:56 my mouth flew right open, seriously! cool acid lead, and that drum beat after it fitted realy nice!
Really work of an professional, but the overal song could've used an bit more volume. And once again I am astonished by that FX work...

5/5 10/10

greets: DJ-PHX

Good luck on further progress! ;)

LK412 responds:

Wow man thx for the review!!!

Awesome work!

This song got an really nice flow, no mistake in patterns and transitions.
Good job, mastering also well done. Could be played anywere!! I am sure Faithz would be impressed too, and would be really overwhelmed to play this song.
This is all hardstyle is about, good job to keep it alive in the Ng portal. ;)
I mostly give large reviews, but I just can't think of any down sizes...

10/10 5/5 + download

- listnened to your other songs also, gave them all an 5/5 and some were instant downloads. :)

Good luck on further progress mate! :D

Dj-Brand0 responds:

Thanks unrealdark! I'm known for my large reviews aswell ^^ Thanks for the rates and review mate! Really appreciate it. Yea Faithz really likes them. He's going to play my Energy Remix/This song/ and my Dont get Back Remix.
Thanks for listening. True Hardstyle <3 also Hard energy is damn nice.

I'll check out your songs and review :D

-Cheers Brando

Interested in creating Hardstyle lately, with some dance tracks. Also I am in for some more classical stuff like orchestra. Be sure to check some out! ;)

Age 31, Male

The Netherlands

Joined on 7/20/08

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