
69 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 102 Reviews

So Happy!! :D

First things first and that'll be the intro. ;)
Loved the piano, and the pad trough it. The melody is indeed repitive there, but I don't see why it actually needs variation, I loved it how it came out like this. Very energetic and happy vibe going on here, which continues to the rest over the song.
Which I admire because sometimes it is really hard to keep one feeling going on the whole time, without getting repitive.

Main theme of the song, is really energetic and happy as said before. I love the electric bass, it fits in really nice, and as well for the leads and synth. The best thing was the stuttering effect at some points of the song, it's an little detail but spices things up for sure! The percussion was REALLY nice, to mention it in the intro, perhaps simple but perfect at the same time. Builded really nice.
Godly pad, and still gotta say that bass is wicked! :D

Near the end it builded of slowly, and loved the build which started at 2:00 and ended at 2:41, to progress into the end, that was something like an adrenaline rush, good job.

Good luck, on your further submissions, as always keep me informed. ;)


*PS: You owe me a review as well now, I am waiting over a week. :(

Dj-Brand0 responds:

Really glad you liked it :D

I'm also glad you didn't think it needed variation which backs me up lol. Yeah I like the happy touch to the song, but I think I've kinda had enough of the happy music making for now. lol

Yeah thanks, I'm glad you liked the percussion and bass, I layered it a fair bit. :D
I made sure I added all the effects it needed for the intros and breaks etc.

And at the end, yeah glad you liked it again. It kept the song going with a nice variation, thanks :D

-Cheers Brando

*PS: I'm sorry I didn't get to review yours but I have now reviewed your latest 2.

Amazing Loop Brandon!

Long time, I were able to finally review an new piece of yours, might be an bit too late though. :D

First things first: The synth that goes 'Mahzzwwhh' everytime is really nice.
There is allot of variation in this short but awesome piece! And it's not even boring to listnen to this over and over again! :D

Loving the british vocals, gave an nice twist, and I am suprised it fits in this tiny 15 second loop. XD

Beat is strong and well placed, basic but good.

Loving the bass in here, same as that synth! Beautifull!

Suppah loop, you're doing awesome in hardstyle and both in electro/house types of tracks! Loving them.

5/5 10/10


Dj-Brand0 responds:

Thanks heaps Ian! :D Yeah the 'Mahzzwwhh' was a nice effect to the saw ey? :D
I'm glad you liked it.

The vocals were from Vengeance Vocals and they were just a few snippets I chose that fitted together. It turned out pretty good.

Nah it's never too late to review :D

Well yeah thanks again.

-Cheers Brando

I never reviewed any video game loop! :)

To be honest, I never heared much video game songs/loops, so don't judge me wrong by saying anything bad/false.

Well to start of, I really liked the ambient like intro, the beats in the whole song are good, and very strict to the melody. Also the synth/lead shots, are wel done, it kept this song very interesting.

When we continue to the middle of the song, there's an sub melody, pitched and good noticeable, worked really well with the structure of the rest of the song.

Overall this song, is for my feeling ambient, with an bit of power brought by the beats. Everything fitted well, I see no flaws. Also I think this deffinately would be an good loop for an game, like for an space game.

5/5 10/10


DigohD responds:

Well unrealdark, Video game loops can be almost anything, depending what game genre, setting and atmosphere is. A space game you say? Perhaps, depends what the game creators here on newgrounds want.

Great review, great feedback. Thank you!

I also BAGIN my life waking up, and live my life.

It's the least I could expect from an professional artist like you. It's Beautifull!

I loved the calm start with an arp, and followed up with vocals, and the beginning lead. These where the facts that made me listnen the whole track trough.

You got an nice clubby and punchy kick going on, and a beefy clap finishes it.
So the beat, is wonderfull for me.

Now we continue in the song itself, I love your pitched lead, how higher to note goes the better it sounds. ^^ Btw, it's perfectly mixed with all kinds of effects!

I noticed some extra's wich I normally don't hear from you. These extra's where the hardstylish effects. :) Like for example: 1:18. I realy liked them! Gave it an nice twist.

The ending is is good, it builded off good. But the melody should actually fade out. Which it didn't, so it made the ending slightly abdrupt.

There where definately some more loveable facts here, but that would be to much to describe! No extreme flaws whatsoever, just an personal pointer. ;)
But don't take it too seriously. :P

I think this is quite the best I've heared so far from you. And this song is definately downloaded! Also fav'd.

5/5 10/10 - It made my day good again. Thanks for that. ;)
Keep Producing!


Psybot responds:

Thanks for your review ^^

About the ending, i am quite aware that it might be a little to unplanned and i could make it more like fading. but the thing is, i became so eager to upload it, hehe. since i havent had a good song in months.

hehe, and i noticed my typing error :P thx

Thanks once again for your review, i really enjoyed reading it ^^



First things first, about the intro:

Loved the basic intro with the kicks/bass, claps and later on the hats. Also the vocals that says: anhilating or something like that is really awesome! It drawed my attention already from the start.

After the intro, I'd never thought it would come out that soothing with an cool pad and some ambient piano in the background. I really liked that! Can't see what should be fixed there. Same for the intro though it could've used an bit more variation, like effects.

Main melody is quite simple, but very atractive to hear! Loved it that you side-chained it. Gives an diffrent twist to all the other generic songs I've heared so far.

The ending is also maybe an bit anti-Qlimatic if you know what I mean. It whas an bit of an abdrupt stop. It did suited this song though. But I would like to see an more original ending that would stay printed in my mind forever, and pushes me to let me hear this song again, and over again.

Overall, an nice tune, very soothing and loved the new bass!


5/5 10/10

Ps: Chase that 0 Bomber, and kick him in the nuts!
Friends will probably review later. ;)

Good luck mate!

DJ-Frosted responds:

Thanks man :D!!! yeah i agree i could have added a sexier intro but i just got excited and rushed it.. :P i dont see anything wrong with the ending though... hmm Thanks for the reveiw!

Kick bad? Hell NO!!

Awesome song, even though you have no intro yet, it already started of just fine for me. I love ambient starts and breakdowns!

The song itself progresses real nice, altough I miss the bells in the breakdown. In my oppinion every hardstyle song needs atleast an few bells, they're very atractive to hear, and give hardstyle some sort of soothing athmosphere.

The Kick is awesome! No problems to notice, it's an bit hardcore'ish though, could use some more boom instead of the pitches work. If I could adjust it I would turn it slightly down NOT TOO MUCH! Else it wouldn't be an HS kick anymore. ;)

The Leads are an bit plain, I wish I could hear some crispy saws, or some earpiercing lead. Although these are fine though. However I would love to see it adjusted in the final version to give it an bit more boost.

About the beats, Loved the fact you actually adjusted the kick to let it flow with the melody, most people don't do that, or don't know how to let it sound right.
About the snare, it got an bit drowned out by the kick because you streamed it on the same tempo. I still could hear it, but it could've used and bit more volume.
The godly bass is straight from paradise! You adjusted it right with the kick and melody, it whas an eargasm so nice!

Would love to hear the final track with intro and outro, and the pointers I gave ofcourse. ;)

Awesome song, 9/10 5/5 For still being an demo.


D-Chain responds:


Thanx man ;O
First to start with this;
not every HS track/song needs bells.
you see i live in holland in a province thats called Overijssel.
I cal this the Overijssel sound coz Hyperdrive, an already excisting artist makes his way through the HS scene, made this sound too; also called the Overijssel sound.(all rights reserved tho, Im NOT copying his style :P)
i just made clear this sound is particulair in its way it has its own influence & style.

long story tho:P, but i see what you meen yea,
about the kick,

its hardcore'isch yea, and its indeed threashold thats doing it XD
and the punch(the boom) you where talking about stays the same :)
i also know humans/people :P just dont know how to play with te kick and bazzline, mostly bcoz they use SAMPLES(wich i did also, but not anymore since 3 days)
thats indeed lagg and too bad coz the bassline is the basic, it gets your melo there where you want it and how you want it, this song of mine shows how too:P

the final touch with intro OR outro(or either)takes time,
i almost have a nice intro melo..
but the damn kick wont work XD
i also will give it a bit(just a little) more bass in the overal, coz i hear the punch is still, a bit to weak :P and hear the melo needs it too

Soooo Thnx man, for just a demo :D
rly thankfully here :D


wtf? Awesome song instead!

Good facts:

-I loved the intro with the piano, though it could've used an synth or pad with it, to combine makes it more 'fuller and richer' to hear.

-Loved you sick hardstyle kicks, same with the saws as lead.
Overall the structure of this song is good, also an great usage of leads/bass.

-At ?:?? you did an awesome original twist! I loved this transition trough the rest of the song. <- sorry forgot the time, and can't look it up because I am almost out of time. :(

Bad/Improvement facts:

- I miss pads, changes of basses, other kicks, and most of all claps or snares.
Even an ride would do the trick, it makes the song more enjoyable, and more professional to hear.

-Use another piano, this one is on low quality. Try using VST Nexus>Popkeys layered with another instrument.

-Could've used an more varaity of leads and effects/FX's. Try using bells, that does always the trick for me.

-Master/Mix this damnit! It's very crackling at some points, try to improve the quality. If you can't I would be glad to be of assistance.

Those are my pointers for the final product. Tell me when it's done, I would like to hear it! :D
5/5 8/10 - If you put my improvements in your final piece it'll be deffinately an 10/10. + download.


Ps: sorry for the crappy review, didn't had much time, I'll be gladly to reply to you by PM if you need help or didn't understand something. :)

Also don't mind those 4/10 under here, those people don't know what REAL hardstyle is about.

LoopDaLoop responds:

Wow, I appreciate this!
The best review I had so far, so it is not crappy to me!

I'm quite new to this, so I appreciate any type of constructive criticism and this really helped me. I want to know what the people think. And why they think that. You told me the right stuff, i'll try to put your pointers in my song when its done!


Geiles Musik!

Sweet techno song, strong bass and kicks, love the acid leads in the background as well. Transitions are great, and the effects are good as well. Not much too say, I can't really review an 41 seconds long song. Only 1 improvement on the title though, it's 'Eins Und Rave' not Ein Und Rave, German people put the 's' in it when they count. Don't ask me why but it's true lol. Lovely song, I hope you can extend it!
5/5 10/10


Yodamanjaro responds:

lol I used a translator for it cause a German rave scene is what I saw when I made this song/loop that only took me 20 min to do (i was showing a friend how to use FL 8). Thanks for the review man!

Thx for the pm!

whew, this sure is an improvement! And you should be proud of it! You're even better than me now!

Well to start of with the song:
God this is so soothing and progressive, love it!
Great calm intro with an pad, and at the background the lead going on, wich increases to the max later on. Cool saw going on at the background when the lead started. Beat is awesome! Structure is fine, nothing to worry about! This song is perfectly completed for me! Only I could spot one little flaw or mistake, depends on what you would've called it. But in this song there's no bass!! Atleast that saw in the background compensates that emptyness a little bit..
But who cares since the rest is completed as it should be! By the way, I loved it that you made your own original beat to it, with the claps and kicks going madd at some points! ;D

Deffinatly worth my 5/5 10/10 + fav'd artist now. ;)


Ps: I'd love to collab with you sometime, if posible. ;)

PeckaPrime responds:

Damn dude are you serious ? :D

I didn't expect such a response man. What can i say... Im on top ! haha no sorry i play too much Virtua fighter 5 XD. Ok time to get serious, thanks man, really. Love the review. I appreciate that you noticed the details in the kicks and im glad you liked the claps.
Yeah actually i planed on using that saw as some kind of bassline, and i though I would get away with it :D. But you got me.

Anyway im happy that you enjoyed the song. Fav'd artist ? damn man, thanks i appreciate it.

Collab ?, sure, no problem man, that could be fun.

Thanks dude, and I'll see ya later.

Sapphire winds blowing my mind. :D

I love you entrance with this song, it's well thought out, but I dislike the stock FL kick. It needs something more punchier and beefy to listen to. The breakdown after the intro at where it ended. (3:23) or something near it, whas really neat. I've actually never heard a kind of breakdown already after the intro. :P Overall the song got a nice melody going on, and is quite soothing to listnen to.
Good job once again! ;) 5/5 9/10

-Be sure to check my latest song out if you like. ;D


PeckaPrime responds:

Yeah when i made this song i was like, "damn i just took things to the next level, i improved like 10 times", but now i just see problems, and things that sound bad, i agree with you 100% on the kicks, also the claps in the main melody section are too loud and just plain bad, they need some filters, the intro needs a back synth or a bassline, cuz it sounds kinnda plain with just one synth goin on there.

When i get a little better i might remake some of my tracks. Still this is my best trance song so far (the shit im making now is much better though, trust me :D).

Im glad you like it man, i like your reviews. Thanks for checking out my songs, listening and reviewing them i really apprecite it dude. You might wanna stop at the Dearly beloved mix though, cuz the things before that are mostly shit lol.

Anyway thanks mate, and Im gonna check your new song right now.

Interested in creating Hardstyle lately, with some dance tracks. Also I am in for some more classical stuff like orchestra. Be sure to check some out! ;)

Age 31, Male

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